Our School

Grades Taught



F.R. Haythorne provides comprehensive educational programming for grades 7-9 students with regular and special education programs. In addition to excellent core subject instruction, regular and modified students are offered a wide range of compulsory and optional complementary courses at various grade levels. These include construction and communication technologies, food and fashion technologies, handicrafts, cartooning, band, musical theatre, art, drama, film studies, publishing, media, information studies, leadership, French, wildlife management, recreational fitness, and daily physical education.


F.R. Haythorne has five system based special education classes. The three GOALS classrooms (grades 7-9) are designed to meet the needs of students with mild cognitive disabilities. The focus of this program is on basic academics as well as life skills and social development. The FOCUS program (grades 7-9) is for students with complex issues and related learning difficulties. Learning and coping strategies, social skill development, and support networks are key areas of this program.  The SEAS (Social, Emotional, Academic Success) Program (grades 7-9) is a system special education program designed to meet the needs of students with emotional and behavioural challenges. The focus of this program is on basic academic skills as well as social and emotional skill development. Instruction is guided by an ISP and builds on individual strengths and needs.

Character education, citizenship, and student leadership are integral to the F.R Haythorne experience. Staff, administration, and the parent community maintain very high academic and behavioural expectations for students attending the school, and the school has established a consistent emphasis on maximizing student achievement. Students also have numerous opportunities to be involved and demonstrate leadership through such activities as leadership options, extracurricular clubs, yearbook, and athletics. F.R. Haythorne athletic teams have a rich tradition of success and are widely recognized for their sportsmanship, league play, and tournament performance. 


Erin Clark, Acting


Mark Wever - Assistant Principal

Brad Smilanich - Assistant Principal



Well rounded. Well grounded. Well respected. Committed to learning.


Through the building of relationships we create an environment that inspires everyone to be well rounded, grounded, respectful and committed to learning.

Supply Lists

School Supply List

Programs and Services

Regular Program (7-9)

GOALS - system program (7-9)

FOCUS - system program (7-9)

SEAS - system program (7-9)


Knowing how to learn is a skill that comes with time.  We recognize the need for students not just to receive instruction, but how to access and apply it.  BIONIC is a class that helps to build students capacity as learners through the Health curriculum.  Through a variety of  learning activities including team building, study skills, organization skills, and leadership activities student will learn and practice the skills needed to be successful. We also emphasize the importance of relationship, and connection in our classrooms. This class occurs once in a six day cycle.