Regular Programming

Timetable - General Description

The daily programming for every student at F. R. Haythorne includes...

  • instruction in core courses (Mathematics, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies)
  • student selected complementary courses
  • Physical Education, DPA (daily physical activity), Health, and BIONIC.

Timetables reflect a 6-day instructional cycle.  Each "day" in the cycle consists of six 53 minute classes.

Core, Complementary, and Option Courses

Core Courses are those which are mandatory and are taken by all students. They include:

  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education/DPA/Health

To access programs of study and curricular outcomes visit the Alberta Education site by clicking here.


Knowing how to learn is a skill that comes with time.  We recognize the need for students not just to receive instruction, but how to access and apply it.  BIONIC is a class that helps to build students capacity as learners through the Health curriculum.  Through a variety of  learning activities including team building, study skills, organization skills, and leadership activities student will learn and practice the skills needed to be successful. We also emphasize the importance of relationship, and connection in our classrooms. This class occurs once in a six day cycle.

Complementary Courses vary by grade level, and are those which are student selected.